BTR can drive complex urban regeneration

Placemaking and build to rent (BTR) are two of the industry’s most talked-about trends, but are we really doing enough to recognise the natural bedfellows these two can make?

There’s been a lot of discussion about how to create strong communities in BTR buildings, whether through the provision of inviting communal areas, workspaces, amenities, or active residents’ organisations. But to focus on BTR schemes in isolation would be to miss the wider role that this fast-developing asset class can play in community-making, both for BTR residents but also within larger developments. The opportunity of BTR is not just about a new product, it is about its use as a new lever to unlock complex brownfield sites for housing.

It’s no secret that delivering brownfield urban regeneration is costly and time-consuming. Land assembly, tackling contamination and delivering necessary infrastructure are among the key barriers to providing homes in cities and towns at the scale and pace we need. However, brownfield development is integral to helping us tackle the housing shortage …

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