Current supply issues in student accommodation in Ireland
In a recent report published by the Higher Education Authority, it was forecast that the unprecedented growth in higher education participation over recent years is set to continue.
Projections for the full-time demand for education developed by the Department of Education and Skills estimate that demand will increase from approximately 168,000 in 2014 to nearly 193,000 in 2024. Of course, not all of these will need access to bed spaces near their college of choice, but it is fair to assume that a considerable proportion will.
The market for student accommodation in Dublin in particular is undersupplied, which poses a significant issue, given that Dublin accounts for over 40 percent of all students in third level education in Ireland. Although there are a number of student residences coming to the market in 2017, there are currently only eight consented sites within the development pipeline, of which just four are actually on site …