Ex-Dragon targets Gulf investors with student accommodation development fund

James Caan, the UK-based entrepreneur, is hoping to attract interest from Gulf investors in a Sharia-compliant fund that buys up property assets in the UK.

The former star of the BBC’s ‘Dragon’s Den’ TV series is touring the Gulf in a bid to drum up investment interest in a £45m ($69m) student housing product, offered through the independent firm 90 North, in which Caan holds a stake.

“When you think today that half the world’s population today is Muslim, as a businessman I see this as one of the biggest growth market opportunities that is under-exploited,” Caan told Arabian Business at a Dubai event on Thursday.
“Potentially over the next five or ten years I can see this as being a very attractive position. I think there is an incredible increase in demand for Sharia-compliant opportunities and products.” …

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